
21 November 2023

Modernization of Krzemowa, Towarowa and Ciepla Streets in Ełk

City Ełk has signed a contract with a contractor for the modernization of road infrastructure in within the Suwałki Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Ełk Subzone. Investment will be divided into 3 scopes: reconstruction of Krzemowa Street with a length of approx. 395 m, reconstruction of Towarowa Street with a length of approx. 1480 m and construction of a path pedestrian and bicycle along Ciepla Street. The planned completion of the investment is Fall 2025

14 November, a contract was signed with the contractor for the improvement and modernization of the road infrastructure in the Ełk Subzone in the area of Suwałki Special Economic Zone. The funds will be used to modernise three roads: Silicon Market, Towarowa Street and Warm Sector. For this investment, the City of Ełk received co-financing in the amount of PLN 19 million 139 thousand from the Government Polish Fund Programme Governance: Strategic Investment Programme. The expected value of the investment is 19 million 530 thousand zlotys. The amount raised constitutes 98% of the funding.

1) Towarowa Street (approx. 1480 m), as part of the works Including:

·         Rebuilding roads with the change of construction;

·         Rebuilding technical infrastructure, including the construction of lighting;

·         construction sidewalks and a bicycle path;

·         construction car parks with approx. 120 parking spaces with an access road,

·         construction 2 bus bays,

·         Rebuilding existing exits,

·         Rebuilding 3 intersections: Towarowa – Krzemowa, Towarowa – Towarowa, Towarowa – Strefowa,

·         Rebuilding rainwater drainage system with accompanying infrastructure (wells, drains)

2) Krzemowa Street (approx. 395 m) - the scope of work is Including.:

·         change roadway geometry and construction;

·         Construction street lighting;

·         construction asphalt pedestrian and bicycle route;

·         construction 2 bus bays.

·         Rebuilding existing exits,

·         Rebuilding rainwater drainage

3) Ciepła Street - scope of work: construction of the pedestrian and bicycle transport,

Thanks investment projects entrepreneurs and investors will have better access to their companies and investment areas. Towarowa Street, which is planned in the project, will be entrance through a tunnel under the tracks, which is being built as part of the Rail Baltica investment.

Expected The completion date is autumn 2025 Year.