26 October 2023
Ełk City Hall awarded in the competition for its innovative lighting solution
First prize in the Smart competition City Poland Award 2023 in the category "Urban Infrastructure" for the "SmartBPass" project was won by the Ełk City Hall and the manufacturer and contractor of the investment - the "Euroasfalt" company The competition took place in Łódź on 18-19 October during the International Targów Technologii Miejskich Smart City Expo Poland.
In the town hall was held today (26 October) a meeting at which the President of the company "Euroasfalt" Sp. z o. o. Marcin Antonovich handed over the statuette to the President of Ełk Tomasz Andrukiewicz.
The award was given for innovative solution on bicycle crossings, referred to as "SmartBPass". A state-of-the-art solution, designed and installed by Euroasfalt First of all, it increases the safety of cyclists on the roads.
The company "Euroasfalt" has developed a system containing, m.in active point light elements and motion sensors, in which the the driver is informed in good time of the approaching a car to a cyclist. The moment a cyclist is recognized sensors, the system activates a light signal to inform the driver of the oncoming vehicle. More information about transitions here: https://www.elk.pl/aktualnosci-wpis/6906/aktywne-przejscia-i-przejazdy-rowerowe
Active Smart Pass Bike (new name "SmartBPass") in Ełk:
· Baranki Street (intersection with Spacerowa Street),
· Kolonia Street (intersection with Dobrzańskiego Street),
· Mickiewicza Street (intersection with 3 Maja Street),
· Norwida Street (intersection with E. Plater Street),
· roundabout (next to ATU) Kilińskiego/Targowa Street,
· Suwalska Street (intersection with Brzozowa Street),
· Suwalska Street (intersection with Śląska Street),
· Mickiewicza Street (intersection with Wawelska Street).
In our city, smart solutions are consistently introduced, which contribute to the contribute to its development and improvement of the life and safety of residents.