
27 January 2023

Conference as part of the XVII Personal Data Protection Day

Next Tuesday (31 January) a nationwide scientific conference will be held on the subject of "The Future the protection of personal data in the light of technological developments'. Conference is organized as part of the celebration of the XVII Personal Data Protection Day. Office The Personal Data Protection Authority organizes this event in cooperation with the President Ełk and the Ełk branch of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Conference will take place at the headquarters of the branch of the University of Ełk, with the event you can also participate via the UODO website.

The program of this year's celebration of the Personal Data Protection Day consists of: scientific conference and accompanying events. Opening of the conference in Tuesday, January 31 will be held at 10.00.

Program and more information about the scientific conference:

The conference will be held in a hybrid formula. The organizers have planned stationary events in Ełk, at the headquarters of the branch of the University of Warmia and Mazury, which will also be broadcast on the Internet via the website UODO website.

On the same day, as part of the celebration of the XVII Personal Data Protection Day, other events dedicated to the protection of personal data will be organized in in connection with the use of new technologies.

  • workshop with students of the Ełk branch of the University of Warmia and Mazury on "Protection of personal data in the context of cyber threats",
  • workshop with seniors on the protection of personal data when using new Technology.

Both events will take place at the headquarters of the branch of the University of Ełk.

In turn, at the headquarters of the Ełk City Hall, UODO experts will provide consultations in the field of personal data protection and conduct training for representatives of local governments from the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship.

Representatives of UODO will answer questions when the provisions on protection of personal data, and when specific legal provisions governing the separate use of personal data. They will tell you when it comes to breach of personal data, explain how to assert your rights in the event of violation of the right to the protection of personal data and the right to privacy and help in formal matters, e.g. they will explain how to submit a complaint to the President of UODO.

source: UODO