
20 September 2019

"Startup Heroes" – Presentation of ideas to investors

Summary of the effects of semi-annual startup work The STARTUP HEROES project took place on 16th September in the park Science and technology in Ełku. The Time of Heroes event was attended by the first 7 Startups inkubuating in the Elk Techno-park.

Presentation, which took place on 16th September in the park Science and technology was an opportunity to present startups before the Experts and investors interested in supporting innovative ideas and Business. Each of the startups was presenting his idea, followed by a Round of questions and answers. Experts taking part in the event – participating Often in this type of panels – they stressed the very good preparation of startups Presentation and a high level of substantive discussion.

Startup Heroes Starter Platform is open to everyone regardless of age, gender or education. In STARTUP HEROES is running a package of expert services M. In. Rights, intellectual property, patent protection and marketing, In addition, MVP is funded. Minimum Viable Product – A product that is minimally ready to be placed on the Market.

Participation in the home platform is Required to apply for a grant of PLN 1 million in action 1.1.2 PO Eastern Poland.

In the I incubation cycle in the platform "Startup Heroes "took part 22 startups, of which 7 Inkubowało in the park Science and technology in Ełku, and 15 in the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park. By August 2023, six semi-annual cycles will be carried out, during the Together with the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park incubated by the will be 132 new companies.

The science and Technology Park invites you to Subsequent project cycles. The SECOND incubation cycle starts on 1 January 2020 years-recruitment continues.
